Wednesday, April 2, 2008

A Beautiful Day...

There's nothing much more peaceful or much more amazing than witnessing the power, the presence and the peace of animals in their natural habitats. The only more peaceful is when you have U2 playing in the background...

Ange and I went for the weekend away on Safari and to the Panorama Route in the Mpumalanga Province. It was one of the most fun, relaxing, beautiful weekends. We toured some amazing places, saw some incredibly beautiful animals and again, I realized how blessed I am.

So many have so little, I get to see so much.

As I watched a rhino walking about 10 feet from my car and I heard Bono sing "its a beautiful day", I couldn't do much more than just sit in awe as the sun set in the mountainous sky...

1 comment:

ange said...

We sure did have a nice time and saw so very much. You won't be seeing these animals there in the US, but definitely enjoy all the new places you'll be going!! I miss you sorely, my love! :)